Hi, my lovelies! It's your internet big sister, Liz! I’m so happy you’re here. Welcome to our cozy corner of the internet. I post on Tuesday and Friday but check my Instagram for updates. So follow my Insta, or TikTok, or sign up for the newsletter to stay connected! Have a wonderful day!

Click The “blog” button in the top right-hand corner of this page! It’ll lead you to all my posts!

Highlighted Blog Post:

Toxic Relationships? Never Heard Of Her

Hello hello my loves!

I’ve been in a severe lovey-dovey mood lately

I know… very cringe


I want to talk about love and give some insight into my “love” life before I knew what true love was and after

So, don’t be scared by the title, and let me know if you have any stories down in the comments!

Grab a blanket, get cozy, and let’s discuss





Insta 〰️ TikTok 〰️

A Little About Me!

I decided in August of 2023 to do something that I’ve wanted to do for a while.

I wanted to create a space to just talk about experiences, issues, and just stuff that every girl has and guide you through them, drawing from my own journey.

Because, well, I’ve “Been There, Done That.”

I want to provide some direction and support, especially when it comes to navigating this maze of awkward, vulnerable, and embarrassing moments that many of us face.

I also want to ensure that we are having fun, so I love writing funny, kind of dumb posts for you guys, too.

This is a place where I want my readers to find escape, support, and a community of like-minded souls.

So, come on in, grab a blanket, get cozy, and let's navigate this exciting chapter of our lives.

Don't forget to follow me on social media!

Don't forget to follow me on social media!